Full days and many, many Romanians eager for confession and spiritual nourishment. This was the schedule of pastoral visits and missionary services in the midst of the Romanian parish communities in Sweden, Denmark and Norway during this period of the Great Fast, crowned by the Feast of the Annunciation. We have enjoyed each other, we prayed for the thousands of thousands of young people, children and the elderly scattered all over the world, but the joy of our spiritual meetings was overshadowed by the sorrow of the heavy words with which the President of Romania characterized the supporters of the referendum on marriage. Yes, with great sadness we have heard how the president himself considers us, the followers of the blessed family of God, “infatuated” “promoters of hate”. But we ask, is it more infatuation than defying our Creator Himself? The Christ Himself who blessed the marriage in Cana of Galilee? With all his deference and respect, as the holder of his high dignity, we are forced to draw attention to the fact that it is not fitting or proper to despise all the good people who, in the sweat of their forehead, live in order to support and protect their family. That it is inappropriate to despise an institution fundamental for our civilization and without which, undoubtedly, our civilization will collapse.
When we testify for family, for marriage, for human nature, we do not hate and do not condemn others and do not do it for our pride, but we do it because it is life in it, we do it because it is truth! We do it because their denial means unnecessary misery and suffering! The testimony of life, for the family, is not “infatuation,” but a duty of conscience to our fellow men, to our homeland! That is why we are Christians, that is why we are priests, that is why we are bishops: to give testimony to the truth! So help us God!
+ Father Bishop Macarie Drăgoi
together with the believers shepherd in the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Northern Europe
On the Feast of the Annunciation, Monday, March 25, 2019
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