Christmas gifts from the Diocese of Northern Europe for the poor children in Romania

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His Grace Father Macarie Drăgoi, the Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Northern Europe, has been in missionary service in the Romanian communities in the northwest of Norway these days. The hierarch received Confession and served the Holy Communion to the believers present at the Liturgies and he investigated the spiritual families of Romanians and their children, being accompanied by the priest Andrei Sofa.

The pastoral-missionary visit began on Friday, December 13, 2019 with the Romanians of the island of Aukra, and, on Saturday, December 14, 2019, the hierarch liturgy in Molde, encouraging the believers to spend the remaining time of the Lord’s Birth in awakening.

On Sunday, December 15, 2019, at the Mass celebrated in the city of Aalesund, reading from the Gospel the parable of those called to the Supper, His Grace Macarie exhorted the parishioners: “Let us make Heaven of comfort and joy for our neighbor!”

Starting from the scriptural verse that preceded the evangelical pericope: “When you have lunch or dinner, do not call your friends, your brothers, your relatives, or your rich neighbors, so that they may not call you, in return, so that might be your reward. But when you make a feast, call the poor, the powerless, the lame, the blind, and happy you will be that they cannot repay you. For you will be rewarded at the resurrection of the righteous (Luke 14: 12-14)”, the bishop reminded those present that the time of the Fast is a time of bodily and spiritual mercy. Then he took a brief look at the charity projects that took place in the Diocese of the Scandinavian countries before Christmas, emphasizing in particular the care for the poor children, as evidenced by an impressive collection of non-perishable goods and foods that will reach Father Dan Damaschin from Iași these days. Father Damaschin is running a major campaign to support over 6,000 children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Gifts from the believers of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Northern Europe will receive more poor children from the counties of Vaslui and Iași, but also the children from the area of ​​Copșa Mică-Mediaș, where for several years the Diocese of Northern Europe has financially supported the needy families, who at the time Christmas and carols will enjoy even more attention.

To support the efforts to help children with a fragile financial situation, donations can be made to the accounts listed below:

Account in Swedish crowns

Swedbank Sjuhärad Bank
Bank Giro: no. 846-6740, Clearing nr: 8032-5,
Account number: 04042155-4
IBAN: SE95 8000 0803 2500 4042 1554
Swift code: SWEDSESS
Owner: Kyrkan i Borås Ortodoxa Rumänska
Specify: “Donation for poor children in Romania”

Account in Norwegian crowns
IBAN: NO5760390643910
Swift code: NDEA NO KK
Owner: Den Rumenske Ortodokse Menighet and Oslo
Specify: “Donation for the poor children in Romania”

Euro account:
Romanian Commercial Bank
IBAN: RO83RNCB0231157121670002
Owner: Valea Viilor Romanian Orthodox Parish
Specify: “Donation for the poor children in Romania”

Account in lei (Ron):
Romanian Commercial Bank
Owner: Valea Viilor Romanian Orthodox Parish
IBAN: RO13RNCB0231157121670001
Specify: “Donation for the poor children in Romania”

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